Thursday, February 13, 2025


February, 13, 2025

Today is my birthday. I’ve now made 57 trips around the sun.

To be honest, this is the one birthday I’ve both looked forward to and regretted at the same time.

57 years? What’s with that, you ask?

Why the weird age?

My father was born in 1934. May 8th to be exact.

My father passed in 1991, about a month shy of his 57th birthday.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it, he was over weight, he was not active, he loved his M&Ms and his beer. All contributing factors to his cardiac arrest in the middle of the night. He didn’t feel good going to bed, he didn’t wake up the next morning.

The pain I felt when my mother called my sister and I to tell us the news is nothing compared to the pain she must have felt discovering this that morning.

They first met when he was four and she was two. They literally grew up together.

They” say “time heals.”

I’m here to tell you, IT DOES NOT!

You just learn to live with the pain for the rest of your life.

Most days you can handle it. Then there are days like today . . .my birthday.

I both love and hate the fact that I’ve outlived my father.

Can’t wait to see my 58th trip brings me.

Love you Dad.

Miss you always.

Thank you for all you did, in silence, behind the scenes.