Wednesday, April 18, 2018

New Lights and the Big Dipper - April 17, 2018

So the city has been installing new street lights.
They've gone from those typical amber one to
some sort of super, hi-tech, LED type thing.
When I say those fuckers are bright, I ain't kidding.

 What my night shots look like now 
with 30 & 60 second exposures.

 As promised, the Big Dipper.
 For a contrasting view check out this previous post:

Challenge Shots - April 7, 8 & 17, 2018

My FB challenge this week was 
These are some of the shots I took for it.

 My Submission.

Submission 2.0

Home in Time for this Sunset - April 12, 2018

As the day's light stretches out, I can sometimes get home in time to get a few shots.  Mostly, though, I get to see a beautiful sunset on the drive home.
I don't, usually take those pictures.


Sunset - April 7, 2018



Let Me In! - April 6, 2018

While having breakfast,
saw this little fellow wanting to 
go for a swim.
Either that, or he was just having fun
 running up and down my screen.


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Birds and Blue Skys - April 4, 2018

Just out shooting in the yard. 
There was a coot swimming by.
Discovered the doves courting and 
a wary blue jay.