Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Sunset - November 7, 2017

This was turning out to be a nice sunset.  Too bad my camera battery died before it finished.  
I was beautiful to the end.
Oh well, next time.

 I love how you can just make out the rest of the sun through the clouds.

Post Sunset - November 4, 2017

Just the last bit of light.


Whose been Poopin' on my Driveway?

Noticed a concentrated area of bird poop on the driveway and figured there was a bird sleeping in the branches above.
I was right.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

November Artsy Pictures - November 1 & 3, 2017

Welcome to November.
Wandered around the yard
taking pictures just because.

Orchids on the front stoop.

 Bamboo in my front planter.
 One lone rose petal filled with water.
 A preening sparrow.

 Banana leaves and palm fronds.

 Some kind of water flower in the lake.

 The mocking bird was keeping an eye on me.

Sunset - October 29, 2017

With such a clear sky, it was neat to see how the sky and the lake shared similar coloring.  Especially just after the sunset with the soft glow of orange along the horizon.

 This could be a wallpaper.