With all the rain we've had here the past several days. (Record setting by the way) There has been an abundance of birds in the area. Mostly water fowl, but also some Burrowing Owls. I went for a short walk around the pond in my complex and got some neat shots. I especially like the ones of the Burrowing Owl feasting. Just wish I could tell what it was.
Why does this picture remind me of a scene from "Jurassic Park?"
They're cute, until they grow up. Muscovy Ducks are invasive and should not be fed.
No wild animal should be fed. Dependence on human feeding just exacerbates the problem.
A Burrowing Owl. No, it's not pissed. It just looks that way.
An Egyptian Goose. Another Non-native species that's made itself at home in Florida.
The end of my walkabout. An Ibis landing and yet another Burrowing Owl.